Ein dreifach Hoch dem Sanitätsgefreiten Neumann - DVD

Release date: February 12, 2010
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Label: WVG Medien GmbH
Director: Franz Marischka
Cast: Siegfried Rauch, Christiane Rücker, Erna Sellmer, Hubert von Meyerinck, Rudolf Prack, Alexandra Marischka, Sepp Gneissl, Loni Heuser, Willi Colombini, Ellen Umlauf
Release date: February 12, 2010
Length: 82 minutes
UPC: 4260119161092
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.

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Ein dreifach Hoch dem Sanitätsgefreiten Neumann

In the imperial and royal era, the medical orderly sung about with a well-known melody is a jack-of-all-trades, especially with sexually frustrated ladies of high society. On his arrival in the Austrian home movie town, Neumann is confused with the Royal Highness, who is also expected. Later Neumann's niece, a naive attractive young lady, arrives, but instead of going to boarding school with military drill, she gets lost in a brothel. There she is assigned to the senile prince. Through his visits to such establishments he wants to make his potency credible to the public. The uncle finally takes the girl to her original destination. But even there, the navy-dressed higher daughter hasn't much else in mind but to show what they have...

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